10 Curious and Curiouser Penis Facts

              What’s in a penis and why does it [...]

2021’s Most Anticipated Cassava Republic Reads, Spring 2021

The best of fiction, non-fiction and children’s books Cassava Republic will be publishing in the [...]

The Year The Penis Came To Tea

This year we will be talking about the penis – way more than we realised [...]

For the Love of African Food – 5 Books to Help You Turn Up The Heat

There’s an undeniable link between food and memory, just the thought or smell of particular [...]

Cassava Republic’s Guide to Reading Northern Nigeria

As we think of home and our relationship to ever confounding Nigeria, we could not [...]

POSTPONEMENT of Black: The Literary Salon

Dear Black: The Literary Salon Community, Considering the urgency of the situation unfolding in Nigeria, [...]

Be(com)ing Revolutionary

What we are seeing in Nigeria at the moment: people going into the streets to [...]

Lockdown Memories Vol.1: Bibi Bakare-Yusuf

Because so much of 2020 has been about Coronavirus and lockdown, we decided to ask [...]

‘American Dirt’ Invites Readers into the Journey of Mexican Migrants

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tincidunt, erat in malesuada aliquam, est [...]

Anne Bogel’s 5 Tips to Restore Your Love of Reading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tincidunt, erat in malesuada aliquam, est [...]