
The Captivating World Beyond Screens

Mobile devices have become integral to our daily lives, captivating both adults and children alike. But amidst this digital obsession, it’s crucial to strike a balance and reconnect the younger generation with the wonders of the natural world. That’s where the magic of eco-literacy comes in!

It is important to immerse young readers in vibrant illustrations of animals, lush vegetation, breathtaking landscapes that ignite their imagination and curiosity. By nurturing a love for books that celebrate and introduce children to the natural environment, we open doors to a world where they develop a profound connection with nature. Some of our books are sure to whisk them away from mobile devices and into a world of wonder and exploration. A Fun ABC by Sade Fadipe takes readers on an alphabetical adventure with the character, Adanah as she explores the joys of rural life in Modakeke, Nigeria. In this African alphabet book, E is for an eagle soaring above the trees, P is  a pump for fetching water, and S is for the stories told by Auntie Sumbo. In Lola Shoneyin’s Mayowa and the Masquerades, city-dwelling Mayowa visits his grandmother and uncovers the vibrant wonders of the town, discovering that there is more to life than computer games.

Forthcoming later this year, we are thrilled to add to our growing list of environmental books for children and middle grade readers. Coming out this July, Crossing the Stream by Ghanaian author, Elizabeth-Irene Baitie tells the story of Ato and his friends as they embark on a remarkable adventure, working together for a school environmental project. Weaving themes of the self-discovery, family relationships, religion, environment, and conservation, this thrilling read teaches vital lessons on social issues. 

Birds of West Africa by Virginia W. Dike is a fascinating  picture book that introduces children to 25 birds that call West Africa home. With stunning illustrations and insightful tips for observation, this engaging book encourages children to embrace birdwatching and marvel at nature’s offerings. The names of the birds are also available in Yoruba, Igbo and Hausa.

These captivating stories not only entertain but also instil a sense of environmental stewardship, guiding both young and adult readers toward practical ways to connect with our planet. Join us on this extraordinary journey of exploration and enlightenment. Open the door to a world of awe and wonder—beyond the screens. Let’s inspire a generation to embrace the beauty of the natural world!

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