
PHOTOS: A sold out literary dinner with Ayesha Harruna Attah

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”4/6″][vc_column_text]Football or not, as part of Ayesha’s London book tour, many people were just not going to miss the opportunity to see Ghanaian literary star and author of The Hundred Wells of Salaga one last time before she heads home to Senegal at last night’s literary feast hosted at Zoe’s Ghana Kitchen.

While guests feasted on kelewele, red red, roasted cauliflower steaks, beef chichinga skewers, jollof rice et al, Ayesha read from her book and gave us a glimpse into the shenanigans of courtly life in pre-colonial Ghana. In the company of mostly women, it is apt that her readings walked us through the interior life of her two formidable but very different protagonists – Aminah, the slave and Wuruche, her mistress.  This was followed by a lively discussion, much laughter, exchange of cards and the forging of new relationships.  You can read more about One Hundred Wells of Salaga and Ayesha’s motivation for writing it in this interview with Black Ballad

This was a sell-out dinner and even after opening up 5 extra space, there was still demand for attendance but sadly we couldn’t accommodate more people.  Please sign up to our newsletter to get updates about our future activities and events, then you’ll never miss any of our events.

Still, we appreciate everyone who bought tickets and brought themselves fully to the dinner.  It was a fun evening and thank you for making it a memorable.

Here are some photos from the dinner:


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